
“Fletch” is a super cute, thick made frosty red roan gelding. He’s super gentle and has the best disposition with the calmest mind. Fletch is riding really nice in the arena, he pivots on his hind end, side passes, lopes cute collected circles, wants to stop, and does everything quiet and easy. He is very naturally talented and has the ideal look of a heel or breakaway horse, or could easily head to the ranch shows with some finishing touches. Fletch trail rides like an old seasoned pro, leads or follows, crosses water without a fuss, wooden bridges, and has been around plenty of traffic down the road. We really like this young gelding, he’s always eager to learn, retains what he’s taught, and just wants to be a good horse. Fletch is gentle as can be to handle, loves being pampered and bathed. He has that cool cowhorse look to him with his big popping hip and that bright red roan color. He is by a son of Boonlight Dancer (LTE $136,000+) who has offspring earning in excess of $2,228,948.00 million in NCHA, NRCHA, NRHA. Fletch is a super super nice young gelding that we are confident you will love when you get him home. He stands 14.3 hands tall and weight tapes at 1175 pounds. Don’t miss out! Current on deworming, vaccinations, farrier, and basic pre purchase exam. For more information please call 507-459-8654.
